Nursing clothes

Let’s talk about how nursing clothes don’t have to be hideous.
Majamas are the best nursing clothes around… You may have seen their ads in various motherhood and pregnancy magazines, but not truly understood WHY Majamas clothes might be so great.
Well, I have been totally sold on their products and let me tell you why… Majamas was created by a nursing mom who was tired of ugly and auckward nursing clothes. Her designs are trendy, comfortable and you can hardly ever tell that they are nursing clothes from the outside.
Most of Majamas clothes are made with spandex – which might seem a strange material for those of us just coming off the biggest ballooning that we’ve ever done, but the bright colors and vivid patterns are great for helping to hide baby fat and the designs of the clothing are really flattering since spandex does hang really well. The weird thing that it took me awhile to realize is that spandex doesn’t show when your milk leaks (VOILA!) – duh, that’s what they make swimsuits out of!
Many of Majamas tops have built in bras and thus they are the most discreet tops for nursing in… Most of them are designed to have access from the neckline rather than from the waist, so you don’t end up exposing that belly that you’d really like to hide.
I could go on and on about Majamas, and if you are a friend of mine, you probably have already heard me do so – I have turned on so many of my friends to Majamas! Even the ones that aren’t nursing have found some awesome clothes – because they don’t look like nursing clothes, you’ll want to wear them a long time.
One final word… dresses…. They have dresses that are pretty, even sexy… many of which can also look great in the final months of pregnancy – which was enough to really make me a happy customer when I found something to wear to a wedding at 9mo prego and huge…
Check out for a list of places to shop for Majamas clothes. They’re so worth it.
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