The Bumbo Baby Sitter

Being pregnant with Baby #3 has allowed me to cut down on the unnecessary baby items that I never used with my first two. I need the basics; crib, car seat, diapers, some clothes and the Bumbo seat! This thing is not only aesthetically pleasing, but such a great concept; much better than using the Boppy pillow when baby is learning to sit up.
Manufactured in South Africa to the highest safety standards from a SOFT low-density, non-toxic foam material, the Bumbo baby seat is lightweight, durable & easy to clean.
The Bumbo Seat can be used on any flat surface & is incredibly versatile. It really comes in handy when you need an extra pair of hands (restaurants, friends houses, birthday parties, the park, on vacation, etc.)
Babies love to feed themselves in the Bumbo & Moms love it too because it's easy to clean-up! The Bumbo can be used much earlier than high chairs and offers many benefits that a high chair can't!
It's perfect for Day Care Centers, Mommy's Day Out & Pediatric Therapists. In addition to being an essential multi-use baby product, the Bumbo baby seat can also be a beneficial tool for caring for special needs babies & children. It provides excellent posture support and also gives children with special needs a feeling of independence and accomplishment. The State of Illinois has approved the Bumbo as a medical device and the Mississippi State Department of Health is providing Bumbo Seats for use by their therapists!
Many parents of babies with Infant Reflux & GERD are also using the Bumbo Seats to keep their babies upright after feedings.
ON SALE now at for $39.95 (reg. $50).
My twin boys loved the Bumbo Baby Sitter - its right up there on the must have products I think that parents need.
I always buy it as a babyshower gift now because I believe its the best baby product and I know it will get used.
I bought my two at - its a family owned business.
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